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MF   69MM    79MM  
89MM  90MM  FF



Usage is to be verified
when you fill the application form

¢ÑŬ¸¯ ±³È¯ ½Åû¼­ Exchange Request Form

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You can fill the 'Exchange form'
after joining member.

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The difference between 'Massage exchange' and 'Wach approve' : Watch approve reservation is you may fill the reservation form massage page, you should get massage from webmaster basically and clients may exchange massage, which is not escential but with only who wants it. Massage Exchange means you proceed it without massage from webmaster, fill the exchange form after join on this page.

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The plan of exchange or watch is not informed on this page but only on twitter. ±³È¯ ÀÏÁ¤Àº ÀÌ ÆäÀÌÁö¿¡ °øÁöµÇÁö ¾ÊÀ¸¸ç Æ®À§ÅÍ¿¡¸¸ °øÁöµË´Ï´Ù. twitter.com/ilartkorea


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  Camera discount is only for webmaster and clients not for massage exchange but If you are filmed you can make it higher to be matched. It's same 20% of guarantee is paid if you are filmed but it's divided into 2,so it makes 10%. One time if guarantee is reduced though the chances of your moivies are watched are increased whenever partners are changed , more income could be made.  


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Incase of  Seperation Request, you who only request it may pay the rest may pay only exchage fee. If you don't request seperation the other exchange or the clients of webmaster could be proceeded on next bed.





> 69KG MALE+MALE    













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